Wednesday 19 September 2012

avatar draft

Introduction paragraph Draft
Cheyanne Copeland

“You want a fair deal? You’re on the wrong planet. The strong pray on the weak, that’s just the way things are.” – Jake Sully.

This quote is much like the Europeans unfair trading with the natives. They took the natives natural resources and sold them back to them. The movie avatar touched on many things for example ethnocentrism, marginalization, and white mans burden (according to Rudyard Kipling). These are the points that I will be focusing on in my essay. Both in the movie and in the past the “sky people” or Europeans should have realized what they were doing and how unfair and ethnocentric it was.


Paragraph 1
Ethnocentrism and how it was used in the movie and in the past. What it is and how it changed things.

Paragraph 2
Marginalization what it is, and how it was used in the movie and in the past. How it changed things.

Paragraph 3
White mans burden (according to Rudyard Kipling) what it is and how it was used in the movie.

1 comment:

  1. Cheyanne, this is a wonderful attention grabber, the quote connects both of the focus points and creates a good starter for the rest of your essay!
