Tuesday 13 November 2012

Source Interpretation Written Assignment - (Draft)

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News broadcasts across our country and across our globe all have one thing in common, globalization. You cannot watch an hour of news without coming across an important globalization story, possible affecting your way of life. Globalization is the interaction of people, politics, goods and services around the world, and these is no question that globalization is uniting us and converging us into one culture. But I believe globalization has weakened us as individuals, and is shaping the way people think and act and how they live their lives. Globalization can be very negative though, with and through our every day globalization, media convergence and transnational corporations, is all contributing to our personal identities and collective identities.

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The uniting of our world is directly linked to globalization, the more we become alike, the less individual identity and collective identity we will posses. One culture; one world, where is the diversity in that? I very much agree that this statement is true, for example the Silk Road. The Silk Road was a road of knowledge, the interaction of people from all around the world, sharing unique spices and silks, and science and technology. From the developing of the universal number system, to the learning of different people countries brought us together as a whole.

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C is for cookie. COOKIE!?! Umm-nom-nom-nom-nom!! Media corporations affect and influence all of us socially, economically, politically and environmentally, and Sesame Street is one of the very most influential shows because it teaches young children basic morals and learning skills, and also gives the children relatable role models. Sesame Street has made its way all around the world, and is a show as children we have all watched, and children are still watching today.

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Banana splits, banana muffins, banana chocolate chip muffins! Bananas are one of the most popular fruits in Canada, and the reason for it is because we cannot grow banana in our climate, and we can use it for so many thing! When bananas were first introduced, they were a hot commodity and a treat among the wealthy, and being such a popular fruit, created some competitive companies. Chiquita, being one of the leading companies, have banana farms in Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Panama, and drop off the bananas all around the world. So even as small as the same bananas being shared around the world is, it is again another way of uniting our whole society together.

(Add, A LOT more sentences)
Globalization is happening, though the denial and disagreements globalization is continuing to bond us closer and closer together.

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